Monday, September 21, 2009

Tara's "Good and Good for You" Pick for September

ZUCCHINI BREAD is a fall favorite. This recipe is not all that clever, really, but it always receives great reviews. I simply start with Betty Crocker's recipe and add a few twists. Here it is...3 c. shredded zucchini, 1 2/3 c. sugar, 2/3 c. veg. oil, 2 t. vanilla (I use more), 4 eggs, 3c. flour, 2t. baking soda, 1 t. salt, 1 t. cinnamon (I use more.), 1/2 t. ground cloves and 1/2 t. baking powder. Now, for the GOOD FOR YOU part... I use whole wheat flour instead of white; try at least half and half if all ww makes you nervous. Instead of eggs, I use egg beaters or a combo of 2 to 1 egg whites to whole eggs. I set the oil aside for applesauce. (Using all applesauce does result in a heavier bread, but going 50/50 works really well.) Oh, I've also used honey and brown sugar in place of or in combination with white. Combine all wet ingredients; then, stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into 2 loaf pans (bottoms sprayed). Sprinkle the top of each with cinnamon/sugar mix and bake at 350 for 50-60 minuts. I hope you give it a try; I'd love to hear if anyone finds new ways to improve this fall favorite! Be sure to make an extra loaf for the freezer; I have a yummy "day after Thanksgiving" sandwich that will make hiding a stash of turkey and cranberries part of your holiday tradition. Mom and RJ, this is for you!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Tara is finally sharing the secret recipe for her amazing zucchini bread!! I am definately going to make a batch today. I will let you know how it turns out. Mmmm, I can almost taste it! Yummy! Thanks for sharing Tara and keep up the positive thinking. Loving all 3 of you! RJ


Greetings, Guests!

We will use this blog to share news as we move one step closer to Baby Rock each day.

For those who need a bit of background...
We decided to adopt a baby from China in September/October of 2005. After completing mountains of paperwork, background checks, fingerprinting, etc. (collectively called the dossier), we were officially on China's waiting list on April 14th, 2006. This moment of acceptance is called the log-in date (LID). This date is quite significant because families are matched with children according to LID. If you follow referral dates (the date a waiting child is matched with a waiting family), you will be able to see how close we are to being matched--at least in theory. When we started the process three and a half years ago, China was matching month for month, meaning one month of LIDs were taking one month to match. Now, unfortunately, one month of LIDs is taking about four months or more. So...we wait...we vent...we cry...we breathe...we hope...we believe.

*To our family and friends-
A huge hug and thank you for sharing our frustration and our joy as we practice patience and faith, knowing Baby Rock is just over the horizon.

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