Saturday, November 21, 2009

No news...

We have no news, no sign of more referrals in the near explanation of this new delay. Some speculate that CCAA is waiting to sign referrals until after the H1N1 runs its course. We don't care to share the other rumors as they are quite negative--too devastating to consider, actually. Therefore, we are assuming that the delay is purposeful, designed to protect the children waiting in the orphanages. As sad as we are, we hold on to the hope and the belief that our little angel is being kept safe, protected from exposure to the virus harming so many. As Thanksgiving approaches, we are reminded of our many gifts. We are grateful for those who care for the waiting children, and we are humbled by the love in our lives. Wishing you all good health, time with people who make you smile, and a close connection to the joy of the season...

1 comment:

  1. Tara and Todd-
    So very sorry to hear you still have no news. You and Baby Rock are in our hearts and constantly in our thoughts this holiday season. We have faith that she is staying healthy and protected. Please know that we will honor her during this holiday season, as we always have, and send her all our love. Hugs, kisses and peace to you both as you continue to await your destiny. We love you! Kevin, RJ, Rylee and Delaney


Greetings, Guests!

We will use this blog to share news as we move one step closer to Baby Rock each day.

For those who need a bit of background...
We decided to adopt a baby from China in September/October of 2005. After completing mountains of paperwork, background checks, fingerprinting, etc. (collectively called the dossier), we were officially on China's waiting list on April 14th, 2006. This moment of acceptance is called the log-in date (LID). This date is quite significant because families are matched with children according to LID. If you follow referral dates (the date a waiting child is matched with a waiting family), you will be able to see how close we are to being matched--at least in theory. When we started the process three and a half years ago, China was matching month for month, meaning one month of LIDs were taking one month to match. Now, unfortunately, one month of LIDs is taking about four months or more. So...we wait...we vent...we cry...we breathe...we hope...we believe.

*To our family and friends-
A huge hug and thank you for sharing our frustration and our joy as we practice patience and faith, knowing Baby Rock is just over the horizon.

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