Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 6 in China

Spending the day doing some official paperwork and the rest of the time we are on our own. Started the day with a shower, some breakfast and naps, this is awesome.
She is starting to get very comfortable with us now and has begun to laugh and shake while laughing....It's a gift.


  1. Oh congrats...I can see the love on your faces...what a special time...enjoy....we leave in a few days for our 4.5 year old daughter....thanks for blessing us with a peak into your world

    Blessings Tammy

  2. Rub-a-dub-dub! Too cute in the tub. :-D
    Love the pictures. Sorry we had technical difficulties trying to skype you a little while ago. Looks like you are all getting along splendidly. What a honey! Love, the Smiths

  3. She is such a cutie! This is really cool and I'm gonna share this with my class tomorrow. And I'll probably pull out my duct tape and make something cool. LOL! OMG I'm so happy!

  4. Her smile lights up the room. Every time I look at her we tear up. Cannot wait to hold and kiss her. Make sure and tell her Uncle Don and Aunt Colleen and her cousins love her more than words can say.

  5. You are definitely meant to be together! Every picture captures the immense joy you are experiencing. Thanks so much for sharing your journey to Emmaxia (I'm addicted to your blog.) We are thrilled for the 3 of you!


  6. What a great idea is this blog! I've been thinking about you every day, wondering what's happening. Thanks for all the pictures, take a zillion more, she's absolutely stunning.

  7. Makes me all guys have rolled right into this parenting role...and she has rolled right into being your daughter......I can't wait to see this in real life......truly awesome....The DeYoungs

  8. We can't get enough of looking at the pictures. I cry everytime I look at them. Don just stands next to me and hands out the tissues. You are truely a great looking family. You can see in every picture the love and joy you are experiencing. We love her more than words can say and can't wait to see her. Don and Colleen

  9. I have never seen you two happier...there are no words to describe what you are experiencing and the love that is just gushing out of you - I love you both and am truly truly happy for the new family that you now have...relish in it and remember all the while that she is now yours, as you are hers......its an incredibly beautiful thing!!

  10. Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy! It is so wonderful to see all the pictures and vicariously experience your happiness!! Can't wait to see you all in person but this is a great "second best". Love you!

  11. Congratulations, such a beautiful baby.


Greetings, Guests!

We will use this blog to share news as we move one step closer to Baby Rock each day.

For those who need a bit of background...
We decided to adopt a baby from China in September/October of 2005. After completing mountains of paperwork, background checks, fingerprinting, etc. (collectively called the dossier), we were officially on China's waiting list on April 14th, 2006. This moment of acceptance is called the log-in date (LID). This date is quite significant because families are matched with children according to LID. If you follow referral dates (the date a waiting child is matched with a waiting family), you will be able to see how close we are to being matched--at least in theory. When we started the process three and a half years ago, China was matching month for month, meaning one month of LIDs were taking one month to match. Now, unfortunately, one month of LIDs is taking about four months or more. So...we wait...we vent...we cry...we breathe...we hope...we believe.

*To our family and friends-
A huge hug and thank you for sharing our frustration and our joy as we practice patience and faith, knowing Baby Rock is just over the horizon.

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Also, please share comments after the postings. We love reading your responses and would welcome "meeting" new friends to our blog! Select "Comments" after the posting; write your comment in the text box; then, select profile. Choose any profile; the name/url is fairly straightforward. Type in your name and url, if you want to share your blog; then, select "continue." (You might need to copy a verification code word before you're allowed to post.) Select "post."