Thursday, June 10, 2010

Start of Day 9 - Fly to Guangzhou

Just a quick message before we head to the airport. Last night we got a late start to our sleep because of the dinner and the fountain show but we all slept well. 5:45am start to the day and a full bottle and we are ready to take whatever the world can give us today.
Once again, we love the comments please keep them coming.
Here is an interesting fact, since we have been in Nanchang we have had over 6000 visitors to our site. Scroll down to the bottom portion of the blog and you can see the counter and where the visitors are coming from. Its alot of fun to follow where people all visiting from.


  1. We bet China was amazing, but webet you are ready to head to Wisconsin to start another journey. We love the blog and hope you continue it even when you are back. We will be out of commission on Friday and back in Florida on Saturday hoping to do skype. I just cannot get enough of her and staring at her. She is just beautiful. Have a safe trip.

  2. This is an awesome way to share your pictures and story. Congratulations to all of you! She looks like she has known you since birth. Enjoy her while she is little and so easy so snuggle. They grow sooooo fast! Mine are almost teenagers and it felt like yesterday they were toddlers. Take care and hope we can meet her in person someday when you return. Safe travels back home!

  3. Every night before bed I check for updates, it is the perfect way to end my day! I am so happy to be following you on this journey, Emmaxia is so beautiful and I can't wait to meet her in person. Enjoy the rest of the trip.


Greetings, Guests!

We will use this blog to share news as we move one step closer to Baby Rock each day.

For those who need a bit of background...
We decided to adopt a baby from China in September/October of 2005. After completing mountains of paperwork, background checks, fingerprinting, etc. (collectively called the dossier), we were officially on China's waiting list on April 14th, 2006. This moment of acceptance is called the log-in date (LID). This date is quite significant because families are matched with children according to LID. If you follow referral dates (the date a waiting child is matched with a waiting family), you will be able to see how close we are to being matched--at least in theory. When we started the process three and a half years ago, China was matching month for month, meaning one month of LIDs were taking one month to match. Now, unfortunately, one month of LIDs is taking about four months or more. So...we wait...we vent...we cry...we breathe...we hope...we believe.

*To our family and friends-
A huge hug and thank you for sharing our frustration and our joy as we practice patience and faith, knowing Baby Rock is just over the horizon.

Please consider joining our blog as a follower. To do so, select "Follow" on the right side of the blog, and follow the simple directions from there. Don't be shy; include a picture if you're able to download an image of yourself/your family.

Also, please share comments after the postings. We love reading your responses and would welcome "meeting" new friends to our blog! Select "Comments" after the posting; write your comment in the text box; then, select profile. Choose any profile; the name/url is fairly straightforward. Type in your name and url, if you want to share your blog; then, select "continue." (You might need to copy a verification code word before you're allowed to post.) Select "post."