Saturday, June 26, 2010

Emmaxia's Week

We haven't posted in a week and are starting to hear about it, so here is the update! : ) First, the medical update... Emmaxia's ear concern evolved into an ear infection, so she's been on antibiotics for 5 days now. No one ever told me that antibiotics caused diarrhea in infants. I won't be graphic, but it's safe to say we've officially experienced the many options a little being has to expel unwanted material as quickly as possible! She is definitely feeling better, though, and we are relieved to know the meds are working. Seeing her sleep soundly again and wake with that "bring on the world" smile is so reassuring. We are also recovering although it's taking me a bit longer than Todd. Our only concern at this point is Emmaxia thinking a cough is a form of communication because she is hearing that as much as she is hearing words from us these days. We have stepped out a few times. Emmaxia visited her first museum and is officially a fan of farmers' markets. She loves the view from the backpack, and I'm fairly certain she's aware of how cute she is in the stylish shades! Thank you for continuing to follow our journey! TTE and G

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see the update and pictures. Nice to hear that everything is going well for all of you. Blessings.


Greetings, Guests!

We will use this blog to share news as we move one step closer to Baby Rock each day.

For those who need a bit of background...
We decided to adopt a baby from China in September/October of 2005. After completing mountains of paperwork, background checks, fingerprinting, etc. (collectively called the dossier), we were officially on China's waiting list on April 14th, 2006. This moment of acceptance is called the log-in date (LID). This date is quite significant because families are matched with children according to LID. If you follow referral dates (the date a waiting child is matched with a waiting family), you will be able to see how close we are to being matched--at least in theory. When we started the process three and a half years ago, China was matching month for month, meaning one month of LIDs were taking one month to match. Now, unfortunately, one month of LIDs is taking about four months or more. So...we wait...we vent...we cry...we breathe...we hope...we believe.

*To our family and friends-
A huge hug and thank you for sharing our frustration and our joy as we practice patience and faith, knowing Baby Rock is just over the horizon.

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